Not me, you. Why do you like to be humiliated? And you’ve probably thought to yourself – why? Why does this turn my little pecker so hard?
Deep Dive Into Humiliation
I’ve always said humiliation goes way back. Could have been college, your first date, maybe an incident in the men’s bathroom – a plethora of scenarios combined into one, really.
Many guys I have spoke to over the years talk about different situation that led to a burning shame. And no, it’s not always about the small penis but oftentimes, I have heard that pop up in deep conversations over it. Sometimes it has to do with being a weakling – the woman was somehow more powerful than you in something: physically or mentally. Maybe you were just so painfully shy, you couldn’t make it with the ladies and could never carry on a conversation well.
Maybe you’ve always been on the effeminate side which led you down a path of panty-wearing and crossdressing escapades. Whatever it is – you’re humiliated about it and now this has your little dick on edge, always.
Fetish-ing Your Fetish
Why does this turn me on, Liz? I’ll tell you. It’s all you have had. More than likely, if you love to be humiliated – I’ll go out on a limb and say – you probably don’t get laid much anymore, if you ever did at all, am I right?
It’s the humiliation that got you through. The phone sex calls to LDW and having a Mistress whisper in your ear that you have a small cock, you’re a sissy, you’re a loser – or whatever it is that gets your little cock going is the VERY thing that you have fetishized- because you have quite literally had nothing else.
Living Vicariously Through Others
I have found that cuckolds are often confused by why they want to be humiliated. They have a hot wife, they could fuck her anytime because she’s willing and ready – but the thing that is missing is the attitude toward sex, the size or the longevity. You just don’t have what it takes – if you ever had it to begin with! So, you must live vicariously though another man to take care of her because your manhood is somewhere else …. left in some alley somewhere, who knows?
Oh male egos – so fragile.
I have never met a woman who likes to be humiliated. Humiliation is the end all to end all for me – you try to humiliate me, and it will not go well. Some men, though, – humiliation junkies. LDW has a whole humiliation phone sex site dedicated to it.
So tell Me – what’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done, or, been subjected to? Can’t wait to hear the answers on this one!
Also, keep in mind that when I do trance and mantras, there are some I like to do that is geared to making you feel more humiliated and more often. It’s one of my favorite things to those that seek it out from me.
So let’s hear those stories – and keep them coming. I’d love to hear what is humiliating to you, and who knows? Maybe there will be one I never heard of before. So maybe I will be surprised.
Talk to you soon Humiliation Junkies – and be sure to check me out on !
More later – Mistress Liz
PS. I do sexytexting sessions so if you are up for one, email me or you can always contact live help on the button on my blog and they will let me know you are looking for one.
P.S.S. What are you doing for Halloween?
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