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I just wanted to come on here right quick and let you all know that I have appreciated all of you in the past year and look forward to having a session with you next year! For 2025, I’m looking to have some coaching sessions with those of you who need this and guiding you along. This is the name of this blog is guided persuasion – because guiding you along is what I do.

A Mistress With Skills

I have skills into guiding you where you need to be through tantra and through visualization. For example, if you have always wanted to be a sensual woman who wears silk – then, that is what we work on. It’s all about putting you where you want to be, not where you wish you could be and that is the difference. Much of the world of sex is formatted in a very immature way. But really, it can be an amazing way to discover yourself if you shed the shame and the guilt. When you do, you open up a whole world of possibilities! All I can for is transparency with yourself and your partners, and also, safety.

What I do in my skills is to get you to shed the guilt, and to also confront yourself in a fun, yet, kinky way. This way you have to face yourself. This is done through tantric work, and mantras. When you say these mantras to yourself, such as: ” I am a sensual woman who loves silk” – this puts you in the mindset of the feminine energy you are seeking to tap into. Being a certain personality, gender etc all starts in the mind – irregardless of what you were born as. This much is true.

How You Can Start with Visualization Now

The way to do this is to simply start visualizing yourself as someone who is doing the thing. Whatever that thing is: crossdressing, being a certain partner, doing someone sexual that you enjoy – visualize yourself really doing this. Then, have the confidence to do the thing – whatever that may be. The more you visualize, then, it could very well work out for you. For example, if you have always been bi-curious but could never actually make it work because of shame and guilt – then work on the confidence and shedding of the shame. There are bi-couples all over the world who get to experience what they want because they have no shame.

Look in the mirror and say: I am going to be with another man in the way I want to. Say this over and over, and do so without letting the shame and guilt creep up. If it does – recognize it, then, let it go away on its own and continue. The next thing to do is to actually make it happen. Get out and experience this in real life – whether it’s meeting someone in a restaurant, in town, in a bar, or even online – this is the way to begin all of this and to start being with men in the way you want to.

How to Involve your Significant Other

If your sex play involves your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or whomever – this can get a little tricky if they aren’t want you are into. The best thing to do is compromise if they will do this with you. Do things THEY enjoy, and perhaps they will acquiesce to your request. Meaning, if you want to be taken with a strap on – then, talk to them about this and offer things you can do with them too. If they won’t, then they won’t, but sometimes communication is enough to change everything!

I will be back after the first of the year so look for me then!