In short, no.
Fetishes develop, generally-speaking, because of some sort of situation that arose.
How do Fetishes Develop?
It could have been a teacher in college who worse those sexy thigh-high stocks and heels. Or, maybe you were humiliated in some way that surprised you – i.e. your girlfriend cheated on you and you somehow fetishized it to deal with the pain…. Maybe your girlfriend dressed you in girl’s clothes or you had a sexy woman in your life who smoked.
Especially when we are young, fetishes become imprinted in our minds and it’s difficult to extract them out. What turns you on — turns you on.
How Do You Handle a Fetish?
We all have certain things we love in life. I love sushi, but the next person doesn’t. I hate tomatoes, but my boyfriend will eat then like an apple. I am not a morning person, but my boyfriend is singing when he makes coffee in the morning. Same goes with sex – we have certain things that just turn us on like nothing else. What turns me on is not a turn on to the next woman. I mean, I dream of a gang-bang or a big cock the stretches me out so much – I have to squeeze out the words from my mouth: I can’t take anymore!!
So how do we handle our fetishes?
We accept them. As long as it’s consensual and no one is getting hurt to the point of trauma – we embrace them, sit with them and serve it coffee. We find time to take care of them and give it the attention it deserves.
Sex is healthy. Fetishes are the cream on top, so to speak. Plain sex is wonderful and comforting – like apple pie. It’s just yummy. But warm apple pie with extra cinnamon and sugar on top along with vanilla ice cream is the creme de la creme. It’s just super yummy.
Take Care of your Fetish
Your fetishes are not going away. Your turn ons might somehow repulse you after you’ve had an orgasm or you might think – why does this turn me on so much? Over-analyzing is entertainment for the mind (or what I like to call mental-masturbation) but it doesn’t make it go away – even if you figured out the why to it all.
It’s best to just accept that this is who you are. So what if you want to get pummeled by a group of Mistresses with strap ons? Or that you’re bi-curious? Or you want to pour chocolate pudding in a tub and wallow about as you masturbate? Too far? Absurd? Ridiculous?
When you walk around in your neighborhood or drive down the freeway – really take a close look at your neighbors and think about what they may be into. Everyone has their thing.
Mistresses are Your Sanctuary
Believe it or not, we’re like armchair therapists. We are healthy for your mind and your cock (or anus lol). We have heard it all, experienced it all and we understand. It’s not like we can go talk to just anyone about our fetishes or sexual fantasies. Most of us walk around like we are all alone. This is how PSO’s, or Mistresses, ETE’s – whatever you want to title us – are a safe haven for you.
We get it.
Plus, we get to tell you what we do for a living and not all of us can share that with our family. lol. And we always have a few secrets to share with you too. I know I do.
We’re in it together – so it’s best to accept yourself and learn to have fun with it.
Mistress Liz
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